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Every Child Can Shine
This part of the website is for our members to get useful information from. Use the drop down menu to find useful information, including rehearsal schedules, song sheets, audition results and general updates.
Members Area
If you have Facebook please ask to be added to our parent and cast page. To do this you will need to add Holly on Facebook first (Holly Elizabeth Fields) and she can then add you to the parent and cast page. If you don't have Facebook please check for regular updates on here.
Drop Off and Collection:
Members are asked to enter via the front door where they will be greeted by a member of the team. When they get collected, they will be dismissed by a member of the team who will make sure they are going to their adult and will be signed out by that member of staff once parents are there to collect. There is a password system in place that will be used if the children are being collected by people we do not know.
If you have WhatsApp please request to be added to the parent WhatsApp group.
Policies and Procedures:
Please take some time to look at our policies and procedures. If you have any queries regarding them please contact us.
We ask that our members wear a black top and black leggings or jogging bottoms to rehearsals. We do have a range of Lollipop branded clothing which can also be purchased via the link below. It is asked that members wear dance shoes at all times whilst rehearsing too please.
Membership Forms:
We have updated our membership form system and ask that you fill in the new form online. The link below will take you to the blank form.
If anything changes such as your child's address, any medical changes etc, please fill out a new form and let Holly know so she can update the database.
Parents/Carers are required to fill out all the purple forms at the bottom of this page too please.
It costs £25 a month to be a member which is invoiced monthly, this covers the children's membership fee, insurance and costumes. It is asked that payments are paid within 10 days of receiving the invoice.
The first payment is £44 which includes a Lollipop branded t-shirt.

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